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Hello everyone. If you have been invited to submit something for More Kicks Than Friends or if you are responding to an open call then please read the following. Thanks.


Sets can be anything from 5 to 25 minutes and must contain some sort of visual element, whether these are visuals or footage of you performing. Don’t feel obliged to do anything fancy if that isn’t within your means. A camera phone video of your cat is fine.


Please do not use any copyrighted materials, even if you own the copyright. Copyrighted material whether its visual or music can be detected by the algorithm and automatically muted during the broadcast, making the whole thing pointless. Please see this as an opportunity to put together a fresh new set or performance.


Prefered file formats for videos are MP4, but MOV files are fine also. Please do your best to encode the video file to as small as possible for the best quality.


Resolution does not need to be bigger than 1080.


If you are wondering what to use to record your video then OBS and Quicktime are both free and very flexible. And Resolve is free if you need to edit your video.


Once you have your media ready please correspond with the host to arrange the best way to transfer files and any other materials the host may require such as links, images, bios etc.


Most of all, have fun. Don’t worry too much about it. Just hit record, jam, and have a nice time.

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